INGREDIENTS: Noodles 1/2 Kg, 1 Onion, 1 SpringOnion, Mushrooms 50 gms, 2 Cloves Of Garlic, Chicken Meat 200 Grams, (Slice all the ingridents into small pieces) Salt n AjeenoMoto to Taste, Oil 4 Tablespoon, Soya souce 2 Tablespoon, Sugar 1 Tablespoon, Chicken Stock 6 Tablespoon. METHOD: Cook n make noodles tender in boiling slated water. Drain salted water,then again rinse & drain in cold water, add 2 tablespoons oil to noodles. Heat remaining oil in a wok n fry Onions & Garlic for 2 mints. Add mushrooms,Salt, Sugar, Soya Souce,Ajeenomoto & cook until dry. Serve with chili & soya sauce. NOTE: 1 Cup each of Green Beans, peas & chopped Carrots may also b added to the Chiken.